Staying Safe While Traveling Solo

May 24, 2024
Staying Safe While Traveling Solo

Key Takeaways

  • Trust your instincts and be aware of your surroundings at all times
  • Research your destination thoroughly before you go
  • Keep valuables hidden and carry minimal cash
  • Stay connected with friends/family and share your itinerary
  • Choose accommodations wisely and secure your room
  • Be cautious when meeting new people and don't reveal you're alone
  • Have key emergency information on hand
  • Blend in with the locals and dress appropriately
  • Stay sober and in control
  • Purchase travel insurance for peace of mind

Solo travel can be an incredibly rewarding and empowering experience. You get to explore the world on your own terms, challenge yourself, and make new friends along the way. But let's be real - traveling alone, especially as a woman, can also feel a bit daunting at times. You might find yourself worrying about safety or feeling vulnerable in unfamiliar places.

The good news is, with some smart planning and precautions, you can minimize the risks and enjoy a safe, amazing solo adventure. As someone who's traveled extensively on my own, I've learned a thing or two about staying safe on the road. So let me share my top tips for looking out for yourself when traveling solo.

It's crucial to thoroughly research your intended destination

Do Your Homework

Before you even book that plane ticket, it's crucial to thoroughly research your intended destination. Read up on the local culture, customs, and any safety concerns. Check travel advisories from the State Department. Scope out the safest neighborhoods to stay in and which areas to avoid, especially at night.

Some key things to look into:

  • Required vaccinations and health precautions
  • Visa requirements
  • Currency and common scams to watch out for
  • Local emergency numbers
  • Cultural norms around dress and behavior

The more you know ahead of time, the more prepared and confident you'll feel once you arrive. Plus, having some background knowledge will help you blend in and not stick out as a clueless tourist.

Choose Your Accommodations Carefully

Where you lay your head at night is one of the most important safety considerations when traveling solo. Ideally, book a place in a central, well-populated area with good reviews. Read recent reviews from other solo travelers to get a sense of the vibe.

I'm a big fan of staying in hostels with female-only dorms. You get the social atmosphere and can buddy up with other solo women, while still having a secure place to sleep. If hostels aren't your thing, opt for hotels or Airbnbs with excellent ratings and 24/7 reception.

Accommodation safety checklist:

  • Does the room lock securely? Use the deadbolt.
  • Is there a safe for valuables? Use it.
  • Are the windows accessible from outside?
  • Who else has access to your room?

Carry Minimal Cash

Keep Valuables Hidden and Carry Minimal Cash

Nothing will ruin your trip faster than getting pickpocketed or losing your passport. To avoid being a target, keep flashy jewelry or expensive electronics out of sight. Carry only the cash and cards you need for the day, and stash an extra credit card and cash in a separate place, like a money belt or hidden pocket.

Better yet, leave the fancy stuff at home. You'll have more fun and feel more free if you're not constantly worrying about your belongings. Consider using a cheap "burner" phone and a cross-body bag that zips securely.

Share Your Plans and Stay Connected

Before setting off, share your itinerary with trusted friends or family. Check in regularly to let them know you're okay, whether that's via text, email, social media, or quick phone calls. Agree on a plan for what to do if they don't hear from you.

It's also a good idea to sign up for the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) through the State Department. This way, the nearest US Embassy can contact you in case of an emergency or natural disaster.

Useful apps for staying connected:

  • WhatsApp for free international texting/calls
  • Find My Friends for location sharing
  • Trusted Contacts to alert people if you feel unsafe

Be Smart About Meeting People

Be Smart About Meeting People

One of the best parts of solo travel is all the interesting people you'll meet. But it's important to be cautious about who you trust, especially as a woman traveling alone. Avoid telling strangers that you're traveling solo. If someone asks, have a cover story ready, like "I'm meeting a friend later."

When you do meet potential new friends, always use common sense. Meet in public places, don't leave your drink unattended, and trust your gut if something feels off. It's okay to cut an interaction short or make an excuse to leave if you feel uncomfortable.

Some good ways to meet people safely:

  • Join walking tours or group activities
  • Attend events at your hostel
  • Use meetup apps like Couchsurfing or Bumble BFF
  • Take a class or workshop

Blend In and Dress Appropriately

In many parts of the world, standing out as a tourist can make you a target for unwanted attention or scams. Research the local style of dress and try to blend in as much as possible. In conservative countries, it's especially important for women to dress modestly, covering shoulders and knees.

Simple ways to blend in:

  • Wear neutral colors vs flashy prints
  • Minimize obvious tourist gear like fanny packs
  • Learn a few words in the local language
  • Observe and mirror how locals act

Stay Sober and in Control

Stay Sober and in Control

It can be tempting to let loose and party when traveling, especially if you're staying in social hostels. But getting drunk or doing drugs in an unfamiliar place is a recipe for bad situations. Stay sober and in control of your faculties.

If you do decide to go out drinking, use the buddy system. Only accept drinks that you've seen poured or opened yourself. Keep an eye on your glass and avoid leaving it unattended. Have a plan for getting back to your accommodation safely, whether that's with a trusted friend or reliable taxi service.

Have Emergency Info On Hand

In case something does go wrong, it's crucial to have important information easily accessible. Make copies of your passport and store one separately from the original. Write down your credit card numbers and the international customer service numbers to call in case of loss or theft.

Other essential information to have on hand:

  • Local emergency numbers (911 equivalent)
  • Address and number of nearest US Embassy
  • Name and number of someone to call in an emergency
  • Health and travel insurance information

I also recommend having a "go bag" with you at all times, containing a copy of your passport, extra cash, a phone charger, and a map. That way, if you need to leave a situation quickly, you'll have the essentials.

Get Travel Insurance

Get Travel Insurance

For added peace of mind, consider purchasing travel insurance before your trip. This can be a lifesaver in case of trip cancellations, lost luggage, medical emergencies, or theft. Some credit cards include travel insurance as a perk, so check your benefits.

When comparing policies, look for ones that include:

  • Emergency medical evacuation
  • 24/7 global assistance services
  • Coverage for electronics/valuables
  • Adventure sports coverage if applicable

Exploring New Cultures on Solo Trips

Embarking on solo trips offers a unique opportunity to immerse oneself in new cultures, fostering personal growth and understanding. Exploring local traditions, cuisine, and daily life can provide enriching experiences that broaden one's perspective. Engaging with locals and participating in cultural activities allows solo travelers to forge meaningful connections and create lasting memories. Venturing off the beaten path enables a deeper appreciation for the diversity and beauty of the world. Embracing the unknown and stepping out of one's comfort zone can lead to transformative adventures.

Traveling Alone: Tips for a Successful Solo Adventure

Traveling alone can be a rewarding and liberating experience, offering a chance for self-discovery and personal growth. Prioritize safety by informing someone of your itinerary and staying alert in unfamiliar surroundings. Embrace spontaneity but also plan ahead by researching your destination and having necessary documents handy. Connect with locals and fellow travelers to enrich your journey and create lasting memories. Remember to trust your instincts and have confidence in your abilities as you navigate new territories.


I hope these tips have eased any concerns you might have about staying safe while traveling solo. Remember, most people in the world are good and kind. With some street smarts and sensible precautions, you can have an incredible, life-changing solo journey.

Trust your instincts, project confidence, and don't be afraid to remove yourself from any situation that doesn't feel right. You're smart, capable, and totally cut out for solo travel. Get out there and have the adventure of a lifetime - just be sure to stay safe and alert along the way. Bon voyage!

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From a very young age, I have been drawn to the call of wide open spaces and distant horizons. After studying tourism, I fulfilled my dream by traveling the roads of the world, from Patagonia to the rice fields of Bali and the deserts of the Sahara.
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