Solo Travel Safety Tips

May 19, 2024
Solo Travel Safety Tips

Key Takeaways

  • Research your destination thoroughly before traveling solo to understand local safety concerns
  • Share your detailed itinerary with trusted contacts and check in regularly
  • Book accommodations in safe, well-reviewed areas and arrive during daylight hours
  • Carry minimal valuables, split up money/cards, and keep copies of important documents
  • Trust your instincts, be aware of your surroundings, and remove yourself from uncomfortable situations
  • Engage others in your safety by making your presence known to staff and blending in with locals
  • Enroll in safety programs like STEP and consider travel insurance for emergencies
  • Utilize safety accessories like portable door locks, personal alarms, and tracking apps
  • Take precautions with transportation by researching options and using reputable providers
  • Enjoy the freedom and empowerment of solo travel while staying alert and prepared

Why Travel Solo?

Solo travel offers an unparalleled opportunity for personal growth, freedom, and adventure. When you travel alone, you're the master of your own journey. You decide where to go, what to do, and how to spend your time without needing to accommodate anyone else's preferences or schedules. Solo travel builds confidence and pushes you out of your comfort zone in the best possible ways.

Traveling solo also opens you up to more authentic interactions with locals and fellow travelers. Without a built-in companion, you're more likely to strike up conversations with people you meet along the way. Some of our most cherished travel memories have come from the fascinating people we've connected with precisely because we've been on our own.

Preparation is Key

While spontaneity is part of the magic of solo travel, it's crucial to properly prepare before embarking on your independent adventure. The most important aspect of preparation is thoroughly researching your intended destination.

Read up on the political and social climate, local customs and attire, common tourist scams, and any areas to avoid. It's also wise to familiarize yourself with a few key phrases in the local language for safety purposes. Guidebooks, travel blogs, government websites, and forums are all helpful resources.

In addition to researching the destination itself, make copies of important documents like your passport and travel insurance policy. Give one set to a trusted emergency contact and keep another set separate from the originals in your luggage. It's also crucial to share your detailed itinerary, including accommodation details and plans for transit between locations, with loved ones before departing. Schedule regular virtual check-ins so people can quickly notice if something seems amiss.

Lodging Wisely

Lodging Wisely

Where you lay your head each night is a key component of staying safe as a solo traveler. Book accommodations in advance in well-populated, reviewed areas. Read reviews from solo travelers in particular to get an idea of the vibe and security of lodging options.

Avoid staying in isolated areas or anywhere that gives you a bad gut feeling. Trust your instincts and move on if something doesn't feel right. When possible, arrange to arrive during daylight hours for an added layer of safety and to get your bearings in a new place.

Once you arrive, make your presence known to staff so they're aware you're a solo traveler and can keep an eye out for any issues. Engage the "do not disturb" sign on your door even when you're out so it appears the room is occupied. Consider investing in a portable door lock and doorstop alarm for added peace of mind in your room. Always know where the emergency exits are located and have a plan for leaving quickly if needed.

Safeguard Your Belongings

One of the perks of traveling alone is that you only need to keep track of your own belongings. To minimize risk of theft, leave valuables like expensive jewelry at home and only carry what you need for each outing.

Keep money and cards in separate places on your body, with only a day's worth of spending money in your wallet. Wear a cross-body bag or money belt to deter pickpockets. If you carry a backpack, swing it around to your front in crowded areas.

Consider investing in a slash-proof and RFID-blocking bag for transit days. Never leave your bags unattended, even if you're just quickly using the restroom. Ask a fellow traveler to watch your things and return the favor.

Blend In

While you'll likely stand out a bit as a tourist, try to blend in as much as possible to avoid being a target. Research local attire norms and dress accordingly. Avoid obvious tourist indicators like fanny packs, flashy jewelry, and cameras around your neck.

Walk confidently and with purpose, even if you're unsure where you're going. Duck into a shop or cafe to consult a map privately instead of appearing lost on the street. Be aware of your surroundings and trust your gut if an area or situation feels unsafe.

It can also be helpful to develop a cover story to avoid advertising that you're traveling alone. Wear a fake wedding ring, mention a partner who is meeting up with you later, or use the plural "we" when chatting with strangers. Most people are well-intentioned, but it's best not to broadcast your solo status.

Location sharing and emergency assistance

Transportation Tips

Navigating new places solo means being extra cautious with transportation. Research the safest and most reputable options for getting around, whether that's official taxis, rideshares, public transit, or your own two feet.

Have addresses preloaded on your phone or written down to avoid getting lost. If using taxis, ensure the driver uses the meter or agrees on the fare before departing. Sit in the back seat and pretend to be on the phone with a friend, mentioning your destination.

For rideshares, verify the license plate and ask the driver to confirm your name before getting in. Many apps have safety features like location sharing and emergency assistance. If you rent a car, opt for an inconspicuous model and familiarize yourself with local driving norms and routes in advance.

Leverage Technology

While solo travel is about disconnecting, your phone can be a powerful safety tool. Download offline maps, translation apps, and a virtual private network (VPN) before departing.

Share your live location with a trusted friend or family member using apps like Find My Friends or WhatsApp. Consider a smartwatch with cellular data and emergency SOS features for added peace of mind.

Portable phone chargers are a must to avoid a dead battery leaving you stranded. If you're really heading off-grid, consider a satellite communication device to maintain a lifeline.

Prioritize Your Health

Getting sick or injured is extra stressful when traveling solo. Before departing, visit your doctor for a checkup and to discuss any destination-specific health concerns or vaccinations.

Pack a robust first-aid kit with essentials like bandages, pain relievers, and stomach remedies. Bring more than enough of any prescription medications in their original bottles. Consider allergy or medical alert jewelry if applicable.

Research the nearest hospitals and emergency numbers for your destination. Many travel insurance policies include 24/7 assistance hotlines for medical emergencies abroad. Enroll in safety programs like the U.S. State Department's Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) for safety alerts and embassy support.

Enjoy the Journey

While it's important to prioritize safety as a solo traveler, don't let fear hold you back from this transformative experience. Millions of people, especially women, travel the world alone each year and have incredible, life-changing adventures.

The rewards of solo travel far outweigh the risks. You'll learn to trust yourself, meet fascinating people, and discover just how capable you are. Embrace the opportunity to focus on your own needs and reflect on your journey.

When you return home, you'll have a newfound sense of empowerment and confidence that extends to all areas of your life. The memories you make and the self-growth you experience traveling solo will stay with you forever.

Travel tips

Travel tips are essential for a smooth and enjoyable journey. Research your destination thoroughly before departure to make the most of your trip. Pack light and smart, including versatile clothing and essential items. Stay organized by creating a detailed itinerary and keeping important documents handy. Lastly, embrace new experiences and be open to unexpected adventures along the way.

Travel Essentials Packing Guide

When preparing for a trip, it is essential to have a well-thought-out travel essentials packing guide to ensure you have everything you need. From versatile clothing options to compact toiletries, packing efficiently can make your journey more comfortable. Don't forget important items like travel adapters, portable chargers, and a sturdy luggage lock for security. Organizing your belongings in packing cubes or compression bags can help maximize space in your luggage. Following a comprehensive travel essentials packing guide will ensure you are well-prepared for any adventure.


Traveling solo is an incredible way to explore the world on your own terms. By taking sensible precautions and trusting your instincts, you can minimize risk and focus on the journey.

Remember, preparation is key. Research your destination, share your plans, and pack smart. Book safe accommodations and be cautious with transportation. Blend in as much as possible and keep valuables secure. Utilize technology to stay connected and prioritize your health.

Most importantly, don't let fear stop you from chasing your solo travel dreams. Be open to the experience and proud of your bravery. Safe travels!

Citations: 1 2 3 4

From a very young age, I have been drawn to the call of wide open spaces and distant horizons. After studying tourism, I fulfilled my dream by traveling the roads of the world, from Patagonia to the rice fields of Bali and the deserts of the Sahara.
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